Today, It is clear to every living man and woman that history has changed and will continue to change steadily for all time. It is disheartening how easily hypnotizable we have become as a society that we allow the simple distractions of our life to take our attention away from our goals and life plans. As a professional counselor and clinical hypnotherapist, I sit with Many different people. Some people are rejoicing with a heart of gladness, while some are afraid, concerned and filled with rage or sadness. While world events do have a way of impacting our perspective and have a tendency to distract us from our day to day lives, we have a tendency to identify with what is happening around us.
Most of my therapy services have to do with the inner world of the client and what control they have on a personal level to experience a more empowered life. As part of creation, all men and women are called to continue to march forward through the illusion of time and live out their day to day lives, doing their best to fulfill their calling and work toward creating a paradise on earth. Sometimes, this can feel hard to do; regardless of who you are and whether you are living with a heart of gladness, or a heart of fear & rage. Here are 5 ways you can navigate the world event changes and move forward successfully.
1) Remember your own power. No matter who is sitting in what seat of supposed power, You have a level of sovereignty within your own rite that you must always foster, cherish and encourage to grow. Empowerment says, “Regardless of what is going on around me, I will work to make my world the best place to live in & I will operate in my own independence! I will take responsibility for my own thoughts and actions, and be a victor; not a victim.” When one feels victimized, they have the opportunity to work diligently to create their own paradise on earth in the most peaceful and effective ways.
2) Remember your call to true Love. Never forget the old image of the Mason jar filled with red ants and black ants. The ants were coexisting peacefully until some giant hidden hands shook the Mason jar and staged an illusion of separation and tension. Per the last post about beliefs and differences, You can work diligently to strip humanity of their potential beliefs and see all living men and women in the best light; as pure hearted children of their Creator. Yes, this may be hard to do at times, but it is another charge from beyond that will not only help you feel better, but provide a looking-glass-self opportunity for those around you to be their best selves!
3) Re-invigorate your purpose: Regardless of your feelings on the most recent turn of events, one thing has not changed: your personal purpose. When all of the world distractions have occurred, you still have a responsibility to yourself, your family, your friends, your occupation and your destiny. It’s easy to get swept up, regardless of whether you are swept up with a sense of victory, or a sense of grief. Allow yourself to get re-acquainted with your passion, your zeal, why you are here in this life and get busy living.
4) Allow the possibility for change and growth: Supposedly, by the age of 65-70, most beliefs are founded and settled. World views, political beliefs, religious/spiritual belief, moral compass and personal codes are static and not likely to change. However, the renaissance of growth mindset shows us that, despite the old saying, you Can teach an old dog new tricks! We all get set in our ways, our beliefs and our convictions. While this may be content for another blog post, consider the possibility that reality is a perception. This means your perception can be manipulated, changed, evolved, transformed and taken a hold of as your own. Most all things are subject to change, if we are willing: even our perception and understanding of the world around us.
5) Coexist and thrive in your world: Remember point number 2. You have a call to love others around you in this world. It is a natural human behavior to seek out those that believe like you and surround yourself with them. This is actually healthy to some degree. However, it is not a social norm that can be accomplished at every waking moment. You will be around family, friends, coworkers, and people out and about in the market place that may see the world differently than you. If you are working to self actualize and focusing on fulfilling step 1 through 4 suggested above, you will be able to coexist & thrive in your world. The work is never done and every environment we find ourselves in is an opportunity to become the best version of ourselves while blessing the world around us.
Ultimately, remember that you are more than a worker bee or an ant in a mason jar. You are a free soul living out your own destiny making your own personal life great again and helping those around you to do the same.